Welcome to my blog πŸŽ‰

Here, I dive deep into topics that fascinate me, from the intricate world of Machine Learning and the latest trends in AI, to practical Programming tutorials and insights on Technical impact. My blog is a reflection of my journey through technology and self-improvement, and I’m thrilled to share it with you.

Machine Learning

Article Topic
Fine Tuned Method Fine-tune, QLoRA, DPO, PPO
Workshop Event Summary: Embrace the Future with AI Trend
AI Solution Service IT Solution, digital transformation


This section can cover topics related to data processing, analysis, and visualization:

Article Topic
Language Model Training Data Template QA, Translation

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Article Topic
Advanced Sentiment Analysis and Multi-classification of Product Comments for Business Intelligence Enhancement Sentiment Analysis, Embedding, Multi-Classification

Computer Vision (CV)


I’m excited to engage with all of you both here and on these platforms. Your feedback, thoughts, and interactions fuel my passion and drive for what I do. Let’s make this digital space a vibrant community of learning and inspiration.

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